Rose Byrnes Feet Are Extremely Popular on Google

Publish date: 2024-07-15

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To Hollywood, Rose Byrne is best-known for her acting skills. However, to the Internet, she is slowly becoming best-known for her feet.  The 35 year-old star’s feet have somehow become an extremely popular search term on the equally popular search engine Google.  Many users have noted that the word feet is often the first option after typing in Byrne’s name. Unfortunately, most people stumble on this by accident, and have no interest in actually searching Byrne’s feet. While many people are baffled by this, it just goes to show that celebrity feet are slowing making their way into the mind’s of many. Here are some tweets from fans who have accidentally Googled Rose Byrne’s feet.

If you Google Rose Byrne, the first suggestion is "Rose Byrne feet." Is there something special about her feet?

— Steve Bannister (@SteveisSensible) December 27, 2013

Of course there’s something special about Rose Byrne’s feet; they’re attached to a person whose worth $12.5 million dollars.  That’s a heck of a lot more than most of our feet can say.

Why is the 1st suggested search string for any female celebrity I google always Celebrity Name Feet (Rose Byrne feet?) Foot fetishes so big?

— Ness (@the_cheeky_ness) August 13, 2014

Foot fetishes, especially those targeted towards celebrities, do seem to be gaining popularity across the internet.  As a result, feet have become quite the common search term when attached to a famous name.

If you type "Rose Byrne" into google on your iPhone, the first suggestion is "feet". There are dozens of sites dedicated to her feet.

— tom “boris” o’blivion (@tsayvs) March 20, 2013

While Rose Byrne’s feet have become the inspiration for “dozens of sites,” most of us can’t even get a decent following of people to pay attention to our blog. It;s sad when a pair of feet are able to gain more attention than the rest of a person.

Why is the first Google autocomplete result for Rose Byrne "Rose Byrne feet"? #actuallydontanswerthat

— Sam Adams (@SamuelAAdams) December 19, 2012

Asking not to answer was probably a smart move on @SamuelAAdams’ part.  It’s no secret that questions posed to the entire internet often return countless unwanted (and sometimes inappropriate) answers.

(Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)
